

An year has passed off. All speculations and ill-thought attempts to unsettle the government have come to an end.

I have been repeatedly saying ever since our government came into power that this government is a reflection of people’s aspirations and expectations. People wanted the agenda of their choice to be implemented and not the one thrusted upon them. The verdict of the people must be respected in a healthy and sporting manner. If we believe in democracy, we must respect People’s informed choice and wisdom.

I have found Madhya Pradesh as a land of immense opportunities and possibilities. Keeping this in mind, people of Madhya Pradesh deserve a far better deal than what was offered to them. I think that making comparison of good and bad time frames while analysing the processes of development would not be just and logical as priorities keep changing. Extremely new scenarios keep emerging and new pathways are unfolded. New sectors open up. So it is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. It is better to look forward than cursing the past. We have to focus on New Horizons.

All our decisions are people’s diktat. We just heard the unheard people and started a fresh. Madhya Pradesh is now readying for a much–awaited vivacious economic momentum.
People want responsive and accountable governance. Their problems must be addressed in a sensitive manner. Their legitimate rights and entitlements must be taken care of.
They want effective and flawless service delivery systems at work. What we have done in a little span of time is very much in the public domain. I hold that transparency is the soul of good governance. People have all the right to know what the government is doing for them.
We believe in the wisdom of the people. They are also aware of the challenges of the government. Structural reforms in governance are much needed now to bridge the long–existing gap.

We draw inspiration from our Constitution, which clearly mentions Directive Principles of the State Policy. Our government at the Centre first brought Right to Compulsory Elementary Education, Right to Food Security. Their wider impact is visible. In the similar manner, we are bringing about Right to Health and Right to Water. Also, we are deliberating on the mechanisms to implement Right to Employment. It is possible only when the State witnesses a host of economic activities and public enterprise at larger scale.

Madhya Pradesh has everything, which can make it an economic power.However, all is not well with the economy of Madhya Pradesh despite the fact that we have strong, committed and skilled manpower, immense resources and good geographical connectivity.
There is no reason we should march slow. We have to expand our GDP and make it more participatory in nature. Let every sector and section contribute to the expansion of GDP . For this, we have to build an atmosphere in which every citizen can think of contributing his best. We have to set robust but realistic economic targets and commit ourselves to achieving them.
The government took its first radical decision of waiving off the loans of heavily indebted farmers. The process is still on and we are committed to honouring our promise.
The tribal communities must join the process of economic development. We have to ensure that the tribal people dwelling in the forests for years get their rightful dues. Their indebtedness must end with government’s needed intervention. Their social alienation is not a good sign for economic well-being of the State.

All our decisions be it 27% reservation for other backward classes, or construction of cow sheds for uncared cattle, doubling the pension for destitutes and diffetently able, resolve to make Madhya Pradesh a food adulteration–free state, lowering the power tariff to Rs.100 for first 100 unit, 10% reservation for economically weaker sections, lowering the collector guideline rate by 20% for boosting the real estate sector, conserving the shrines of tribal communities are reflective of a glimpse of responsive government. This will continue in future.

We are unveiling our Economic Vision Document and appeal to every citizen to help realise this rising above all petty issues. Think Big for making Madhya Pradesh an economic power.

The Blogger is Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh

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