Union Minister for Food Processing Industries & Jal Shakti Shri Prahlad Singh Patel will be launching the book “By the Way…”,

at Courtyard by Marriott bhopal in the State capital on Saturday 15 July at 11.30 a.m.

Bhopal: Union Minister for Food Processing Industries & Jal Shakti Shri Prahlad Singh Patel will be launching the book “By the Way…”, a collection of articles by Anshuman Bhargava, former State Editor of The Hitavada, at a special function

Dr Megha Vijaywargia, Trustee and Director Peoples Group and Shri Mayank Vishnoi, Director Peoples Group, have taken the initiative and produced the Book “By the Way…” in the coffee table book format to honour the memory of Anshuman Bhargava.
The book, is a tribute to Anshuman Bhargava, whose op-ed pieces and incisive articles appeared in his regular column under the heading “By the Way…”. The book being launched on Saturday showcases Anshuman’s immense contribution in the field of journalism in a span of two decades.
Anshuman began by makingh a mark for himself as a journalist through his vivid and authentic account of the worst ever earthquake that struck Jabalpur on May 22, 1997. He then went on to become one of the youngest Editors of an English daily in Central India. He wrote extensively on environment, wildlife, law and order, security and development.

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