Nominations For The National Awards For e-Governance -2022 To Be Submitted UpTo 20 August Nominations For DIGITAL INDIA Awards Soon

The Awards will be presented for the best achievement in implementation of e- Governance innovation

Nominations For The National Awards For e-Governance -2022 To Be Submitted UpTo 20 August
Nominations For DIGITAL INDIA Awards Soon


Bhopal, August 18, 2022 .The nominations for the National Awards for e-Governance-2022 to be conferred by the Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances Government of India has been extended upto 20 August 2022 for Registered User According To Information Available with the MPPOST.

The purpose of the award is to Recognize achievements in the area of e-Governance, Disseminate knowledge on effective methods of designing and implementing sustainable -Governance initiatives and Encourage innovations in successful -Governance solutions. The Awards intend to promote and exchange experiences in solving problems, mitigating risks, resolving issues and planning for success.

Eligibility :
The Awards seeks to recognize the best performing Central Government Ministries/Departments, State/UT Governments/Districts and local bodies, Central and State Government PSUs, Academic/Research Institutions (Government and Non-Government) in facilitating implementation of new initiatives and bringing transparency by use of technology. The Awards will be presented for the best achievement in implementation of e- Governance innovation and those performers who have taken efforts to fast track the implementation of an initiative/ technology/project or program.
Decoration :
Gold Award carries a certificate and a trophy for the Project and cash award of Rs.5.00 Lakh for the Department/Organization/Institution and a certificate for each team member not exceeding four in numbers (including Project Head). The Silver Award carries a certificate and a trophy for the Project and cash award of Rs.3.00 Lakh
These Awards will be given in five categories. Excellence in Government Process Reengineering for Digital Transformation – This award seeks to recognize the innovative projects that involved analysis and re-design of workflow and which resulted in improvement in outcomes related to efficiency, effectiveness of process, cost, quality, service delivery, data analytics or a combination of these through a dashboard/an application including mobile application. The impact of the reengineering process should have been a significant digital transformation.
Excellence in providing Citizen Centric Delivery – This award seeks to recognize the projects which resulted in providing universalized access including e-Services to citizens, the unique digital instance for all government entities. The project proposals should broadly cover areas of status of accessibility, content availability, ease of use, information security & privacy, end service delivery, integrated service delivery and status request and tracking in Delivery of Public Services.
Excellence in District level initiative in e-Governance This award seeks to recognize the district level e-Governance projects including in the field of redressal of Public Grievances, which resulted in delivering enhanced value to citizens’ through effective use of ICT.
Outstanding research on Citizen Centric Services by Academic/Resear ch Institutions – This award seeks to recognize the exemplary research in the field of e-Governance by Academic/Research Institutions for the benefit of the citizen.
Excellence in Adopting Emerging Technologies – This award seeks to recognize the exemplary research in the field of e-Governance by Academic/Research Institutions for the benefit of the citizen.
Nominations for Digital India Awards Soon
Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology will soon announce date for online nominations for the Digital India Awards 2022 will open soon
The Government of India has adopted a Digital India vision to transform India into a digitally empowered society & knowledge economy. To realise this vision, it is imperative that the focus be sharpened on the use of innovative digital initiatives to not only enable governance & services on demand, but also to empower citizens.
Indian government entities at all levels – Centre, State & local bodies – continue undertaking various initiatives to fulfil the Digital India vision. Due recognition should be accorded to such digital initiatives along with the teams that help build & implement them.
Digital India Awards (DIA) presents an opportunity to bring to the fore such digital initiatives. These awards are instituted under the aegis of National Portal of India to encourage and honour innovative digital solutions by government entities at all levels. DIA 2022 aims to inspire and motivate not only government entities but also startups in fulfilling the Digital India vision.
These Awards will be given in different categories.
Digital Initiatives at Grassroot Level – Recognizing initiatives that use Digital Technology e.g., AI, Blockchain, Drones, IoT, ML, GIS, etc. in domains like agriculture, health, education, employment, labour, skilling etc. at the level of Panchayats, Local Bodies, Sub-Districts. Nominations to be authorized by the District Collector. Local Bodies can apply.
Digital Empowerment of Citizens- Universally accessible, anytime anywhere access to Digital resources and promoting collaboration in participative governance and digital literacy leading to enhanced ease of living. All Govt entities can apply.
Digital Initiatives for Ease of Doing Business – Digital initiatives creating significant impact by reducing the time, costs and efforts in setting up, conducting and operating business activities viz. single window clearance system, etc. All Govt entities can apply.
Public Digital Platforms – Central Ministries, Departments and States- Excellence in design and implementation of a Public Digital Platform with a wide scale coverage and having high impact in the society (evaluation criteria may carry extra weightage for initiatives by North Eastern States). Nominations would be evaluated to select two awardees each for central and state level. Govt entities – Central Ministries/Departments & States can apply.
Data Sharing and Use for Socio Economic Development – Sharing of Government Data by Ministries/Departments/Organizations, States, Smart Cities and ULBs to a central repository to create a vibrant data ecosystem in the country for analysis, decision making, innovation, services, economic development and public good (The category would encompass data sharing initiatives beyond Open Data and extra weightage would be given to those publishing datasets on All Govt entities can apply.
Digital Initiatives in Collaboration with Startups – Excellence by Government Entities in collaboration with Startups (as recognized by DIPP) for enhancement and/or transformation of digital governance, improving the experience of digital services and digital empowerment of citizens i.e., fulfilling Digital India Vision. Govt entities who have collaboration with Startups can apply.
Best Web & Mobile Initiatives Complying with GIGW & Accessibility Guidelines- Web & Mobile initiatives ensuring universal accessibility along with rich content and barrier-free access on any device.







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