देशप्रमुख समाचारमहत्वपूर्ण आलेख




Let us welcome the dawn of 2020 with countless hopes, enthusiasm and positive energies. The year 2019 has gone down the memory lanes. Always be ready to learn from failures and note that failures are nothing but the outcme of efforts made half–heartedly. Always think that success is relative. Despite sincere efforts, it may be elusive. So, always be in search of excellence. I just recall a couplet from classical Urdu poetry in which
geat poet Hali says– “Hai Justaju Ki Khoob Se Hai Khoobtar Kahan?
Ab Thaharti Hai Dekhiye Jaa Kar Nazar Kahan?”
It simply means that always be in search of excellence and keep the relentless journey on for excellence. Don’t be scared of failures and never be charmed by successes as they are impermanent. We fail only when we fail to keep pace with the changing Time, which is merciless. It never stops for anyone regardless of their Socio–economic status or geographical identities. This is the only precious thing, which everybody has but a few have the requisite wisdom to utilise it. I recall the title of a famous painting of extremely talented Russian Jewish painter Marc Chagall which reads that Time Is A River Without Bank. So, if we want Time to flow in the desired direction, we.have to embank the River of Time and this is the challenge all of us have to take up. No one can help us in this pursuit. Those, who cultivate friendship with the Time finally reach their desired destinations and comfortably meet their targeted goals. There are certain things, which we can’t purchase despite all our wealth like love, affection, knowledge, trust, sleep smile, health, friendship and of course the powerful Time. We perish every moment if we waste it. In the new year, take a resolve to be sensitive about the use of Time. Respect every moment and keep learning to manage the Time. We may be a judge of good or bad times. We may envision brighter things for the future or we may be ahead of our Times in our thought processes but the truth is that we have to Walk with the Time whether you are a student, farmer, businessman, rich or poor, you have to follow the Time.
We cannot see the Time. We only experience it just as we can’t see the air but we feel its velocity. The clocks however help us but we experience the power of Time by the change we come across. Therefore, ancient wisdom goes that Time is a great healer. Everyone of us has his or her own idea of Good Time. People buy comforts for joys and sleep, but to some, these come naturally without spending a single penni. We have to be sensitive about Time. So, always be on time. Imagine the world without clocks, seconds, minutes hours, dates, months and years. Even without them Time existed and will ever exist. Time is the most complex property of the earth and the cosmos. Never allow a single minute to go waste. Always attempt to do great things and be ready to contribute. I always quote my favourite Albert Einstein who said –”A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the labours of other men, living or dead and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving.” I am sure every responsible citizen subscribes to these golden words.
I wish all the citizens, a very happy, healthy and joyful New Year.
The Blogger is Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh

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