Mahatma’s Great Chhindwara Speech

Memorial Day of Gandhiji’s Chhindwara visit
Awanish Somkuwar
‘I am proud that my grandfather had met Mahatma Gandhiji and had conversation with him
on the current scenario of the time, says Nitin Trivedi who runs a printing press in Pola Ground
locality Chhindwara. His father Devendra Govind Ram Trivedi started it.
Nitin Trivedi heard a lot from his father how his grandfather Govind Ram Trivedi a leading
lawyer joined Congress on the call of Mahatma Gandhi. He cheerfully shares what he heard from his
father about how Govind Ram Trivedi purchased a silver plate from Gandhiji offering Rs. 501.
Gandhiji came to Chhindwara second time in 1933. He was raising funds and collecting donations
in support of the freedom movement. He auctioned the silver plate. The auction price was the lowest
Rs. 11, but Govind Ram Trivedi offered Rs. 501 for the noble task.
Inspired by Gandhij, Govindram Trivedi joined Congress. Nitin Trivedi proudly shows a
wooden swing on which Gandhiji sat and his grandfather had a few dialogues on the current political
scenario. Nitin feels proud of his grandfather and continues to cherish the legacy.
Gandhiji reached Chhindwara in the afternoon of 6th January 1921 after attending the
Nagpur session of the Congress, which passed a resolution to continue non cooperation movement
against the British rule. He was accompanied by the great revolutionary Ali Brothers. The
Chhindwara Speech still remains fresh and vivacious. Today is 99th anniversary of Gandhiji’s
Chhindwara Speech.
The Nagpur sessiom passed a resolution that Gandhiji and other prominent leaders of the
Congress would go to the masses appealing to them not to cooperate with the British Government.
The non-cooperation movement remains the most significant part of freedom struggle. Though, it
took a violent shape, which was against the philosophy of non– violence but it infused confidence
into the masses that they could get freedom very soon. The movement witnessed participation of
every section of the society responding to the call of Mahatma Gandhi, who was the architect of the
movement. In such a tumutous scenario, Gandhiji ‘s Chhindwara speech on January 6 , 1921 remains
the most significant.
Gandhiji elaborated the objectives of non-cooperation movement among the masses. It
received tremendous public response.
Gandhiji’s Chhindwara Speech has three major highlights, which have univetsal appeal.
1–Patriotism is far superior.

2–Hindu Muslim Unity
3– Liberation lies in Charkha – a symbol of self dependence.
The Chitnavisganj, which is known as Gandhi Ganj was chosen as the venue of public
meeting according to historic documents available. Around 10,000 people attended the public
meeting. Gandhiji’s Chhindwara speech gives a glimpse of the greatness of Gandhiji, his clarity
of vision and universal appeal.
Gandhiji explained the duty of the people towards complete Swaraj. He made an appeal
to surrender government services and titles and stop going to government schools and colleges. In
the same speech Gandhiji appealled to the lawyers to stay away from practices and give more time to
the freedom struggle.
The most remarkable part of the speech was Gandhiji’s statement that the Congress party
would financially help the lawyers who could not have enough savings to sustain their families.
Gandhiji urged them not to waste time and energy in courts and devote fully to the imediate task of
achieving freedom.
He also appealled to the parents of students to stop sending them to government schools
and make alternative arrangements. He clearly asked students above 15 years of age not to go to
Government schools and colleges. An appeal was also made to the soldiers to be duteous towards
the Nation and not the Rule.
He said that patriotism is superior than idolatry of the Government.
In the same speech Gandhiji explains how Charkha can be an instrument of self -dependence. He
wanted Charkha to be enshrined at every home. The simple philosophy was that if everyone uses it
in spare time, there would be no need to depend on the foreign made clothes and thus we could save
Rs. 60 crore every year. He clearly said that Liberation lies in the Charkha.
The Chhindwara speech also highlights the importance of Hindu Muslim Unity. Gandhiji
clearly said that Hindus and Muslims have to realise the spirit of brotherhood. He cautioned that the
Evil always takes advantage of infirmities and therefore we have to do away with our shortcomings.
He was affirmative that if the Evil continues misdeeds, it is duty to root out such an oppressive
As a response to the speech, many advocates in Chhindwara stopped going to the courts and
students stayed away from schools to actively joined the freedom movement.

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